The picture below is of Gabriel's Port-A-Cath
I hadn't realized the time which has pasted since my last post. In April, Gabriel had two bone marrows. Both results were not clear, one showing he may not have been in remission.
In May, Gabriel had a third bone marrow aspiration and biopsy. They added a biopsy of the bone marrow to hopefully see more clearly what was going on with his bone marrow. For the biopsy they use a special needle, put it in the bone, rotated it a few times, then pulling the needle out with pieces of Gabe's bone the tip. Unfortunately I forgot my camera. The best way to describe what the pieces of bone looked like would be tiny maggots.
This bone marrow's results came back showing Gabriel was in remission!!!! Yay!!!!!! Preparing Gabriel for his last bone marrow was hard. He did not want to do it again. He told me, "Mom, I don't want to go back. I'm already healed." Wow! My son's faith in that moment strengthened my own.
Gabriel again desired more anesthesia when he woke. This time, I was alone and he fought me. I hadn't known his physical strength until that day. He just cried he wanted to go back in the fish room (where they gave the anesthesia) and he wanted to go back to sleep.More good news. Today Gabriel's port was removed. He is very very excited. Unfortunately, the anesthetic nor sedation helped him wake easy. I'd informed the anesthesiologist and Gabriel's nurse, "If Gabriel does not sleep his 45mins to an hour after a procedure he can be very beside himself, fighting, it is very bad." They decided to give him some extra sedation to keep him sleep longer and make him wake smoother. (Since I was not allowed in the recovery room when he first woke).
Well, they did as they promised and realized my son has a very high tolerance for sedation. He woke 10 minutes after his surgery. It took three nurses to hold him down. When they finally got me his nurse said, "We understand kids can wake up cranky, we didn't know he was that strong." Little did I know, until they woke him, they had strapped him to the bed and gave him a mask to keep him asleep. :(
When they took off the mask to wake him he was still upset, mostly mad he was strapped down. I didn't realize until I lifted his blanket. As soon as I took off his strap he was better. His eyes very dilated, we got some video of him. Hope you enjoy them and get a little laugh. He was funny and very loving.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
June 18, 2009
Posted by Angela N. Boyce at 8:03 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 2, 2009
April 2, 2009
The picture below is of Gabriel's Bone Marrow Sample -
The Bone Marrow results are partially in, from the pathologist report Gabriel is remission. Two weeks ago she saw 7% blast, to be remission blast have to 5%, this week the blast were 4.5%. Which is good. However, under the microscope, when looking at Gabe's cells, they see immature cells. Immature cells which could possibly become or be cancerous.
Although Gabriel is remission he will be monitored closely (checking labs more regularly than a typical remission off treatment patient). In addition, Gabriel will have to undergo a third bone marrow. In the first and second marrow the immature cells remained which makes this a cloudy or gray area. In order to come up with an appropriate plan for Gabriel the third marrow should give an idea as to how the cells will mature (cancer or otherwise).
On the up side the Gabe's chromosomes from his marrow were promising. Upon Gabriel's diagnosis there were abnormalities in Gabe's chromosomes which played a part in determining Gabriel's treatment plan. With the first marrow (March 18, 2009) there where no abnormalities found. Which is very good. In two weeks Gabriel will have his labs drawn and we will discuss the plan for the next marrow. (Stay prayerful)
Gabriel, however is doing awesome. He is eating well, active, and we are keeping him busy.
Funny story, after Gabriel woke from anesthesia Wednesday he was crying. He told me he wanted more anesthesia so he could go back to sleep.
Thomas was exciting! Gabriel did not want to leave. Gabe's only complaint was batman was not there too. (LOL)
Last weekend we went to legoland. Gabriel went on The Dragon roller coaster. He was sooooo excited. The last time we went he was too short. He wants to go back,we told him we were going to Disenyland next.
While praying and keeping busy we will use this time of not knowing as a time of thanksgiving, just thanking God for all He has brought Gabriel and our family through. It has been an amazing miraculous journey to say the least. I have post from the beginning of Gabriel's treatment. Feel free to peruse and give thanks with us.
Thank you all!!!
Posted by Angela N. Boyce at 8:26 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 20, 2009
March 20, 2009
Hello Everyone,
Gabriel's bone marrow results did not show clearly Gabriel is still remission. Gabriel will have another bone marrow in two weeks. This, they are hoping will give them definitive results. As of right now we have to put everything on hold (getting his port removed, monthly visits for labs, etc).
Gabriel's doctor will be praying this prayer which I am asking everyone to prayer with her. The prayer is the results of Gabriel's bone marrow will be seen clearly in two weeks.
We will still be celebrating Gabriel being off treatment the next two weeks. I am little jittery because I hadn't expected this news.
Thank you for your prayers.
Posted by Angela N. Boyce at 7:46 PM 0 comments
March 15, 2009
We made it. Gabriel is off treatment as of today. To celebrate we are going to Legoland. Nana (my mom)bought tickets for Gabe see Thomas Live next Saturday. The rest of the month we will be celebrating too (We'll keep the celebration going throughout the year lol) . Thank you everyone for following Gabriel through the past 3.5years.
We are thankful to God for giving us grace, endurance, strength, perservance, discernment,...throughout this time. Thank you to the doctors (Dr. Taub, Dr. Cavalier, Diane Dufour and Jeanie Spies), nurses (Jen, Cindy, Beth, Victoria, Dawn...)staff (Lindsay, Brenda, Joyce and Brooke) and all we have grown attached to in Michigan, South Carolina and here in California (I have a slideshow coming with pics of staff, etc. Oh... I can not forget our family therapists - Lindy, Jodi and Kelly - all of you were vital to my survival LOL. Oma (Steve's mom)sent me a song her choir sang today which moved her to tears. I would like to share these words with everyone as a testimony. We could not have made it through any of this without God.
"At church our call to worship was (one of my favorites)
Psalm 121:1-8 It seemed so appropriate in recognition of today's special significance for your family:
I lift up my eyes to the hills-
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth,
He will not let your foot slip-
He who watches over you will not slumber;
Indeed, He who watches over Israel
will neither slumber or sleep.
The LORD watches over you-
the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
The sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
The LORD will keep you from harm-
He will watch over your life;
The LORD will watch over your coming
and going both now and forevermore."
I invite everyone to celebrate this time with us. Thank you again for all your prayers.
Posted by Angela N. Boyce at 8:26 AM 0 comments
Feburary 29. 2009
It's two weeks before Gabriel is off treatment. Since we hadn't been admitted at Rady's Hospital, I guess we needed to gave it a try. Gabriel had a bug this week for a day (Monday), with symptoms of a stomach flu. Wednesday, Steven and I caught it and Thursday Gabriel started again. Friday, we came in to get Gabriel's last round of chemo, unfortunately Gabriel's potassium was low and he was a little dehydrated.
We were admitted to boost his potassium.
For our first admission at Rady's we were unable to get a room in the Hematology/Oncology section. Instead, we stayed in medical surgery section. Gabe's potassium recovered over night, but he is still having episodes of vomiting and the runs. He's become more interested in eating, but he can't keep anything down long.
I started giving him bananas and Gatorade in the hospital. He wanted to be home, so I asked the attending hemoc. physician if we could take him home this morning because his potassium had recovered. Although the doctors were skeptical of sending him home, I was able to convince them I would be a good mom (LOL).
After enjoying the beautiful weather at the hospital, I was able to bring him home. Now I am giving him nausea medicine to keep the Gatorade and bananas in him.
Posted by Angela N. Boyce at 6:08 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 2, 2009
December 31, 2008
Gabriel's Last Spinal Tap!!
Sitting here with you
On the last day
Of this procedure
I remember
The first day
Before it all began
A bone marrow was needed
I rememeber
The doctors said,
"We usually don't allow parents in the procedure room"
But I went with you anyway
I remember
I bent over the bed
Hearing your cries
Fighting the immobilzing anesthesia
I remember
My heart aching
I had to be strong for you
I held you as best I could
I remember
Whispering in your ear
"Mommy's here"
"You are doing so good"
I remember
You calmed by voice
The doctors proceeded
Getting as much bone marrow fluid
As they could
I rememeber
The doctors and nurses becoming shadows
Just you and I
As I sang to you a lullabye
I remember
You moaning with me
At 13 months old
This is how we made it through
The day before it all began
I remember.....
Written by Angela Caldwell
December 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008 by Angela Caldwell
Posted by Angela N. Boyce at 3:37 PM 2 comments