Thursday, April 2, 2009

April 2, 2009

The picture below is of Gabriel's Bone Marrow Sample -

The Bone Marrow results are partially in, from the pathologist report Gabriel is remission. Two weeks ago she saw 7% blast, to be remission blast have to 5%, this week the blast were 4.5%. Which is good. However, under the microscope, when looking at Gabe's cells, they see immature cells. Immature cells which could possibly become or be cancerous.

Although Gabriel is remission he will be monitored closely (checking labs more regularly than a typical remission off treatment patient). In addition, Gabriel will have to undergo a third bone marrow. In the first and second marrow the immature cells remained which makes this a cloudy or gray area. In order to come up with an appropriate plan for Gabriel the third marrow should give an idea as to how the cells will mature (cancer or otherwise).

On the up side the Gabe's chromosomes from his marrow were promising. Upon Gabriel's diagnosis there were abnormalities in Gabe's chromosomes which played a part in determining Gabriel's treatment plan. With the first marrow (March 18, 2009) there where no abnormalities found. Which is very good. In two weeks Gabriel will have his labs drawn and we will discuss the plan for the next marrow. (Stay prayerful)

Gabriel, however is doing awesome. He is eating well, active, and we are keeping him busy.

Funny story, after Gabriel woke from anesthesia Wednesday he was crying. He told me he wanted more anesthesia so he could go back to sleep.

Thomas was exciting! Gabriel did not want to leave. Gabe's only complaint was batman was not there too. (LOL)

Last weekend we went to legoland. Gabriel went on The Dragon roller coaster. He was sooooo excited. The last time we went he was too short. He wants to go back,we told him we were going to Disenyland next.

While praying and keeping busy we will use this time of not knowing as a time of thanksgiving, just thanking God for all He has brought Gabriel and our family through. It has been an amazing miraculous journey to say the least. I have post from the beginning of Gabriel's treatment. Feel free to peruse and give thanks with us.

Thank you all!!!