Wednesday, October 22, 2008

March 30, 2006

Hello Everyone,

Gabriel has had two appointments since my last email. The first appointment we received our second dose of the Meth. (MTX), each dose increases by 50 as long as his counts are okay. My first experience with this chemo hasn't been great. The first few days he'd vomit at least once a day, tired, his desire to be held increased because from what I could see he did not feel well at all. Receiving a second higher dosage last Friday, all I could do was pray for him and tell the doctors all the side effects I'd seen. We decided to keep him on two nausea meds around the clock for the first few days besides giving it to him as needed.

The medicine helped, but it showed me another effect. One of the chemos was causing Gabriel to cry for 1 hour straight every day except Saturday. Tuesday, he cried from leaving the house to go to my OB appointment (8:10) until leaving my appointment (9:35). My doctor quickly listened to the babies heart beat and let me leave. I needed God to intervene because nothing would consol him although I held him and did all I could. I asked God to remind me of a song to encourage Gabriel and soothe him. I began to sing, “I am the Lord that healeth thee, I am the Lord your healer. I sent my word and I healed your disease, I am the Lord your healer." (Unsure if I was singing the correct words.) I sang that part in repetition to find myself crying, becoming encouraged and trying to hold back from a total break down. Justin tried to sing with me, trying to learn the words. Gabriel began to calm down, still fussy, but more settled.

Yesterday, the doctors and I decided to look into two possible effects causing those inconsolable episodes. One gas (unlikely) and joint pains, cramping in the legs, arms, etc. Before his next dose of chemos Monday I hope to figure this out by giving Tylenol one day and gas drops the next if the Tylenol doesn't help. Giving him Tylenol as needed and not around the clock because we do not want to hide a fever if one occurs.

Otherwise, Gabriel has been happy. He's beginning to say more words and mimicking. His favorite word, I think, is pointing to Justin and saying "Stop." Or if Justin does something he doesn't like he'll hit him and say stop. Gabriel loves to dance. It’s funny watching him, the other day he got tired of standing up dancing he got on his hands and knees bopping his head.

I saw Christian this week but was unable to talk to him. He looked tired. Kayla’s Grandmother smiled and waved at me in clinic. Kayla condition requires her to be in a private room. I hope to have updates on them next week.

Our prayer request for Gabriel are God allow me to discern what causes his screaming episodes, Gabriel continue to maintain his weight, there are no hospitalizations and as the dosage of chemo increases next week God will make Gabriel stronger. Gabriel's weight must maintain itself although the effects of his chemo cause loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea. If we can not get him to intake a certain amount of calories per day the doctors will have to put a feeding to down his nose for night feeding. Right now his weight is maintaining although he has lost two pounds in two months. Pray for God's will to be done. God knows what is best for him.

If any are interested, I will be making a Gabriel a CD to soothe and encourage him. If there is a song any of you would like to be added please email me with the artist and song title. This week Justin's friend Jacob (4 yrs old) was diagnosed with a blood disorder which causes low platelets. Jacob has seizures, is losing weight and bruising. His family needs prayer as they tackle the recent struggles of his condition. Elena, (Jacob's mother) has been a blessing to our family and she needs strength and discernment with doctors.

Thank you again for your prayers and concerns,
