Wednesday, October 22, 2008

September 18, 2006

Hello Everyone!

Thank you for all your prayers. I knew Gabriel was being lifted up because everything went smoothly for him. The surgeon told me Gabriel's surgery was great, he had no problems and the surgery was only seven minutes. Steven's naval command transported him to the hospital to be with Gabriel. Gabriel has not had any problems or delays with feeds through his tube. Continued blessing from God for our family and Gabriel.

Gabriel is adjusting to having the g-tube. Now that he has been recovering from the surgery he is continuing to play as normal. He looks more healthy everyday. Justin and Adrielle have helped Gabriel recover and feel normal even in the hospital. Adrielle's smile encourages Gabriel and he smiles back at her trying to hold her. Justin's energy and big brother concern keeps Gabriel moving.

There's much more I would like to write everyone. I will write another update later this week or next week. I wanted to briefly state how Gabriel is doing.

Today, Gabriel starts his most intensive therapy before maintenance. He will receive a spinal (IT MTX), the red devil (DOXO), the steroid or cranky medicine (Decadron), and VIN (gives him joint pain, tingling in fingers and toes, and makes his eyes hurt). He will receive PEG (gives him nausea and vomiting) on Tuesday.

Thank you for praying for him continually. Thank you.
