Wednesday, October 22, 2008

May 18, 2006

Hello Everyone!

Gabriel has been doing awesome. We had two weeks of no treatments. During the past two weeks he gained 1.5lbs, his counts recovered to what a normal kids would be, he's had energy. To sum everything up, Gabriel has been himself. I asked the doctors if he was still in remission. They told me yes, his counts were great.

Gabriel became a big brother on Mother's Day. He is enjoying his sister. The first day they met he wanted to hold her and stay next to her. He said, " Hi, baby." He talks to her in his own language. Yesterday he tried to play peek a boo with her. I was amazed; Steve and I hadn’t showed him to play that with her.

Our baby girl, Adrielle Renae' Caldwell was born on May 14, 2006 @ 6:19 pm. I delivered her without pushing and without a doctor. She was born 7lbs 4oz and 20in. Adreille - without the’d’ means lioness of God. Renae'- is from Rena which in Hebrew mean joyous song and Greek means peaceful.

Justin loves’ his baby.' He is such a good helper; he even tried to nurse her. The boys love their sister! It's cute watching them interact except when they fight over her. Justin told me thank you, for giving him a baby.

Gabriel started chemo on Wednesday. We are praying for no hospitalizations in the coming weeks and Gabriel will continue to be himself.

Have a good day!